Contextualizing Coronavirus
This website contains prototype tools and learning resources for contextualizing coronavirus using spatial data science and interactive new geo-media. All data used in these tools are from reputable, offical sources.
Follow these links to access various tools and datasets created through this research:
- Monroe County NY Coronavirus Map. Contextualizes Coronavirus at the county scale by showing at risk populations (elderly >60, derived from US Census data), hospital bed capacity, grocery story locations in relation to zip-code level coronavirus-case data manually extracted from the Monroe County, NY - COVID-19 Dashboard . State level shows coronavirus cases by county as quantiles.
- New York State Coronavirus Map time series map. An animated map of coronavirus cases, date derived from the New York State Department of Health.
- Time series of county coronavirus cases as a GeoJSON file. Each record is date of cases reported for a given county. Additionally, each date contains country centroid coordinates and county population derived from US Census data. The GeoJSON file is created automatically by analytical tools developed through this research.
- RIT Press Release about this work.
Coronavirus Mapping Learning Resources: Youtube Videos